While diet alone can determine these factors to a large extent, our body is built for exercise and quickly affects the brain, mood etc. in case it does not get enough movement.
There are of course multiple ways of achieveing this and before I get into what I believe to be that ultimate solution, I would like to point out that the best form of exercise is the one you actually do! We can foce ourselves only for so long, but if you do not really like jogging/running, you will sooner or later find an excuse to abstain.
So, with that said, please allow me to get to the point and present to you what I believe to be the ultimate piece of training equipment:
The Concept 2 model D rowing machine.
Why rowing? Done in the right way, this will give you both a strength, endurance and aerobic exercise. It enables all muscles in your body, focusing on the larger ones (legs, back, arms), meaning the energy burn is very efficient. While some strain will be put on the knees, it is not at all the same kind of impact as from running.
Combined with a few push-ups, the rowing machine can provide you with all the training you need. While not extremely social, you can do this from the comfort (well, it can and should actually be a bit painful) of your own home. (I will in later posts describe how you can row against others using the machine, some software and the magic of Internet).
Why the Concept 2 rowing machine? Well, there are of course alternatives, many of them cheaper. However, this is the rowing machine used in all good rowing clubs around the world, so thay must be doing something right. I am very happy with my machine, even though I have honestly never owned a different one. I have tested other ones at gyms etc, but always been left disappointed.
If you row 20 km per week (split on 2-5 sessions) in good pace (i.e. above 65% of your max heart rate on average), you will do wonders to your health and well being.
For me a very tough, rewarding and time efficient exercise session looks like below:
5 km rowing (around of below) 20 minutes
1 min plank
100 pushups in total (split into sets of xx depending on your fitness level)
1 min plank
Stretching (in particular legs and back)
For me the above takes 40-45 minutes and burns just over 700 kcal.
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