Sunday, March 4, 2018

My index fund investing

I come from the lovely country of Sweden and as such grew up at a time when investing in funds became common mans' practice, partially due government incentives and a few innovative online brokers.

As I have written before, index investing should be the basis of your investments - it is simple, low maintenance, generates low costs etc.

Long story short, while I do have a (for me) large equity holding, I am also invested in a few low cost index funds. I could put it all into a global equity fund, but choose to tilt a bit more towards my native Sweden as well as Europe to reduce the often 50%+ dominance of one market (US) typically found in  global equity funds.

The funds in which I am invested (and intend to keep on being are):

- Avanza Zero (no fee!) - follows the 30 largest shares on the Stockholm exchange

Handelsbanken Sverige OMXSB Index (0,22% fee) - follows a broader index than the fund above; all on the Stockholm stock exchange

- SPP Aktiefond Global (0,33% fee) - global index fund - Länsförsäkringar Global Indexnära (0,22% fee) - another global index fund

- SPP Aktiefond Europa (0,24% i avgift) - European index

So far this year, the return on this portfolio is negative, something I of course hope will change over time.

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